Welcome to my updated Kola Sandbox!
This sandbox is intended to give the players a se t of 55 quick missions on the Kola map, to offer single- or multicrew players some quick fun.
In total there are 50 missions/ 53 slots available for Royal Norwegian Air Force, Swedish Air Force, Finnish Air Force, US Air Force, US Marine Corps and Russian Air Force.
These include:
7x F-16
3x F-5 (full fidelity module AND FC4 version!)
5x Viggen
7x F/A-18
3x MiG-21
5x A-10CII *new*
5x F-4E
5x F-15E
3x AV-8B
3x MiG-21
3x MiG-29
3x Su-25
3x Su-33
You will use air bases, road bases and carriers. You will intercept bombers, mingle with fighters, perform SEAD, conduct precision strikes with guided munitions, provide CAS with rockets, gunpods and dumb bombs and many more.